This is my first entry on this blogger website.
I used to keep an electronic journal of my windsurfing and my "kids" suggested I blog it as well.
First I will give a little history and then go into a discussion about and give credit where it is due -- to the Dufour.
I used to keep an electronic journal of my windsurfing and my "kids" suggested I blog it as well.
First I will give a little history and then go into a discussion about and give credit where it is due -- to the Dufour.
I grew up near Lake Simcoe, just north of Toronto in Ontario. Most people, who knew or know me, are not sure I ever grew up :-) This lake is supposed to be the largest inland lake in the province. I have fond memories of walking to the beaches, swimming, fishing in the summer, ice fishing, watching ice break up and falling through the ice. We spent time on many boats, but never on a sailboat. Ironically, when windsurfing became popular - early eighties, I was off at school and my parents had moved to Montreal.
Around 1988 I spent a long weekend on a large wooden sailboat in the Thousand Islands with my boss and his secretary, who is now my wife. This weekend made me wish I could one day afford and own a sailboat of my own. You probably have an idea , as I did later, just how much money this actually requires !! So, that remained a dream and NOT a vision ...
I was always the big guy with the van. Whenever anyone in the families needed something moved, they were sure to call me. About six (6) years later , around 1994 or 1995, my Unca Freddie called and told me the neighbours of Auntie Laura had an old windsurfer they no longer wanted. Freddie asked if I was "interested". I told him I would be there in about 10 minutes - obviously he lived about 15 or 20 minutes away :-)
At that time I knew VERY little about windsurfing and probably nothing about the equipment itself. My mission was to get the stuff and bring it up to "the country", where the chalets were. The extended family had about three (3) chalets all on the same lake, which is about one mile long and a quarter mile wide...
One weekend the whole family tried the windsurfer up at the chalet :-) It was a fine sunny weekend afternoon with a slight breeze. We had NO idea what we were doing, butt we had two (2) engineers in our midst. Yeah, like that was gonna help :-) Some things were obvious like the centre-board and the mast foot going into one of the two (2) holes in the middle of the board. Those of you in the know, know the boom goes on a special way and the stuff actually included a special cord to perform this properly, butt again, what did we know ? We tied the boom on best as we could and people had turns giving it a go ...
Unca Freddie did well going and was wondering why i was laughing so much
"Hey Freddie. See ya :-)"
Well, that was the first tow back to shore with the rowboat and definitely NOT the last.
Currently there actually seems to be a movement back to long-boards. The term long-board seems to imply length obviously, but for many years it also implied a centre-board. Once again, people like Tinho Dornellas in Florida are changing that concept as well. He is building a custom board very much like the AHD ZEN and others, butt without the centre-board. See here for info on Tinho's custom board.
In those days there was less on the internet, forums, no blogs, etc to help me figure out what the heck we had. Eventually I figured out this was a BIC Dufour Wing - all stock equipment. (Actually Dufour Wing is written on the board too )
here's a shot of me on the lake with the original equipment :-)

My brother-in-law and I drove into the nearest town to find a replacement part. There were not many sports shops, so, we went to Sports Experts. {Notice how they managed to put sex in the middle of that name !!} A girl there sent us to a furniture shop. She smiled when we looked confused. She explained the shop owner was an avid windsurfer and sold equipment from the basement. When I presented the shop owner with the broken rubber, he seemed to be in thought. I asked him if everything was all right. He explained that he always had those parts in his truck, but not that day. He would gladly deliver one on Sunday to the chalet, which was about 20 minutes away !! He did deliver the part the next day in the rain and explained that the mystery cord was used to attach the boom to the mast. My wife told him that it was a yucky day to be on the water. In true windsurfer style he smiled and said," Butt it is windy !" :-)
The trick was to align the boom parallel to the mast, attach the cord through the boom head and around the mast. Then swing the boom around to the normal placement. VoilĂ , now the boom was really tight to the mast ! The mast is obviously the "pole" that holds the sail up and the boom is where the windsurfer holds onto...One day the special cord broke; one of the two (2) plastic holding "balls" came off - guess it was too tight. Made a new cord with another nylon rope tied off at the correct length {after many experiments}.
Yes, there is a lot of terminology in windsurfing...
Just in case, here is a pic of a windsurf board aka sailboard with its parts - in its simplest form :-)
I think that's enough chatter and now it is time to review the actual BIC Dufour :-)
Bic Sport, leaders in water sports (as per BIC)
"Established in 1979, Bic Sport has been dedicated to the sea and water sports right from the start. It all began in Brittany, France just a few kilometres from the Atlantic Ocean, our origins are in windsurfing, having acquired a strong reputation all over the planet, Bic Sport has diversified into the other water sports such as surfing, kayaking and kitesurfing over the past 10-years."
From wikipedia under windsurfing: "In 1979, Schweitzer licensed Brittany, France-based company Dufour Wing, which was later merged with Tabur Marine - the precursor of Bic Sport.[9] Europe was now the largest growing market for windsurfers, and the sub-licensed companies - Tabur, F2, Mistral - wanted to find a way to remove or reduce their royalty payments to Windsurfing International."
The symbol at the left seems to have been the Dufour logo. Some people feel it looks like an old man or an old row boat from the Viking times ...
At the left is another logo that seems linked to the BIC Dufour Wing as well. I have NO idea or further information about this logo at this time ...
{just saw a similar logo used with the BIC Beach}
"In the early 80s, more than 186,000 boards were manufactured at Dufour Wing as the factory was called before becoming Bic Sport, with such production numbers we quickly took the lead as the world’s largest producer of windsurfing equipment with an annual production of 15,000 boards in those early days."
1979 | ContĂ©®, French pencils and felt pens, is acquired. BIC acquires boat manufacturer, Tabur Marine, which becomes BIC Marine.
1981 | BIC Marine launches the Dufour Wing windsurf board.
1985 | BIC launches its BIC® Mini lighter. BIC Marine becomes BIC Sport.
So, what are the specs of these babies ?
The first thing one discovers about this "kit" is the sail and boom are really NOT manageable. One fellow called it a sac of potatoes ... Later longboards also had fully retractable centre-boards...
My evaluation and experiences with this classique: The deck is quite slippery. If one is not wearing booties of some sort, one is bound to slip and fall. This can be painful at "high" speeds. This is how people develop the bad habit of placing one foot against the base of the mast and then spreading their legs depending on the speed and wind forces. It is also a byproduct of the fact that there are NO footstraps. Later I applied some anti-slip to the deck. { I read somewhere that Chris Thompson won a race or races on a Ken Winner board, which was a Dufour with footstraps !!}
The fin at the back is quite small and plastic. I have done experiments where I tried to sail without the dagger-board (since it is NOT fully retractable). This did NOT work at all. The dagger-board is quite large, as seen above. In lighter winds it is best completely descended or down. This also applies when you really want to get upwind. I generally tend to run the dagger-board at the half-way mark i.e. at about 45 degrees to the board and water surface. This seems to work well in some situations and okay in others i.e. the best all-round solution. Also, it is already half-way to either extremity :-)
There are two(2) "holes" or mast-base receptacles on the desk. Some say the back is for lighter winds and the front for heavier winds. I tend to run it in the front "hole" since the plastic pins are broken and I now use metal cauter pins. Also, like to push the board and go in "heavier" winds.
The original sail SUCKS as does the boom. The boom is too long and is NOT clamp-on. The sail has no battens, just some tiny half-battens. The first thing I did with this board as an improvement was to get better sails. Even the old-timers that raced the boards said other sails were 100 times better !! Now I use a MauiSails Pursuit 8.5 with no cams. I rig it loose in the sense that the leech at the top is fairly tight. This is how the older sails were and the SailWorks Hucker now is. Some longboard forums are good for recommending sails to use with older longboards. The new sails do NOT have the same centre of effort, etc. I try not to get into too much technical detail. Just to say newer sails donut work as well with the older boards.
Last summer my bro-in-law was working in the basement of the chalet. He thought he heard a train coming and realized where he was. He looked out the garage door facing the lake and there I was flying, approaching the chalet with by Dufour and the MS Pursuit 8.5 :-) Both of us wished he had had a camera of some sort that day !!
This summer in 2011 I intend to try this combination on the St-Lawrence River in the lighter winds of 5 to 12 knots. After that I will jump on my shortboard. Hope to share my experiences of the BIC in bigger waters here :-)

One fellow on the forum said of racing with BIC Dufours in the day:
For this race, the Dufour boards were as light as possible (18 to 19 kgs instead of the standard 21/22 kgs), and to improve the performance in the sea conditions (3 to 6 feet waves) the boards had more scoop and lift obtained by two cuts, side to side of the deck just in rear of the daggerboard hole.
These two cuts were strongly stiched and glued, leaving two scars on the deck...
This gain in rear lift had also the effect to reduce the break effect due of the lack of rigidity of that ABS construction...
The only other improvement of these competition boards was a specific fiber or wood daggerboard, and of course the best rigs and sails available.
No one, in any team, had the idea to work on the skegs...big mistake!
Somewhere around 2003 I changed the original mast base to an F2. This was to better accommodate the more “modern” sails like my Niel Pryde 7.0 WARP. Yvan of AuVentFou says this sail is about 20 years old !! In 2008 I purchased a full kit with Maui Sails Pursuit 8.5, 490 cm mast and new aluminum boom. Sometimes I think of sailing in light winds on a “longboard”. Well, the BIC Dufour Wing is a full blown longboard. So, I custom fit the F2 mast base so that it would fit into the “generalized” mast extension. It is pictured here. How will the BIC fare with the modern 2006 monofilm sail ? The board also needs some ant-skid Antideslizante work. Where the mast foot goes into the base, there are cracks that need fresh silicon yearly. Also, the red plastic clips are all broken, but one. Use a cauter pin on the other side. Just to show you, this board has had its full usage.
Needless to say, the BIC is mine :-)
- still find pictures on the web of the Dufour ..
It seems even Micah Buzianis got started with a BIC Dufour Wing :-) Micah interview
Found this on the Peconic Puffin Blog:
Check long board forum for more discussions on longboards...
from http://ortolio.com/windsurf/sport/windsurf/
I still wonder what would or could ever replace my Dufour ? Older longboards are difficult to find. Newer longboards seem all race oriented and $$$. Now there seems to the SUP, KONA and Serenity. Each one of these is slightly different and even they are $$$ new. There is a Serenity near Toronto that I may try this summer. There is a Kona race in Ottawa - also this summer - and they are selling them used out of Toronto. Locally there seems to be a SUP club, butt i donut know if it is purist ie SUP only or are they also doing windsurfing ?
There also seems to be some interest in the BIC Samba that I had. I will give the technical specs here and a personal evaluation - i.e. very subjective :-)
Will see if I cannot get some pictures ...
From wikipedia under windsurfing: "In 1979, Schweitzer licensed Brittany, France-based company Dufour Wing, which was later merged with Tabur Marine - the precursor of Bic Sport.[9] Europe was now the largest growing market for windsurfers, and the sub-licensed companies - Tabur, F2, Mistral - wanted to find a way to remove or reduce their royalty payments to Windsurfing International."

At the left is another logo that seems linked to the BIC Dufour Wing as well. I have NO idea or further information about this logo at this time ...
{just saw a similar logo used with the BIC Beach}
"In the early 80s, more than 186,000 boards were manufactured at Dufour Wing as the factory was called before becoming Bic Sport, with such production numbers we quickly took the lead as the world’s largest producer of windsurfing equipment with an annual production of 15,000 boards in those early days."
1979 | ContĂ©®, French pencils and felt pens, is acquired. BIC acquires boat manufacturer, Tabur Marine, which becomes BIC Marine.
1981 | BIC Marine launches the Dufour Wing windsurf board.
1985 | BIC launches its BIC® Mini lighter. BIC Marine becomes BIC Sport.
One way to tell if your board is a Bic Wing or an original DuFour Wing is to look at the seam around the edge of the board. DuFours had a black seam and Bic had a red seam. My board with the red trim is a BIC Wing. This BIC Wing is not my board and does not have the old man logo on the sail.
So, what are the specs of these babies ?
Built around 1981
Volume 200 liters or cc
Length 378 cm or 12 feet 5 inches
Width 68 cm or 26.8 inches
Weight 21 kilos or 46.2 lbs !!!
came with stock 6.3 sq m sail - mini-battens
extremely long tie-on boom
small back fin
large centre-board that does NOT fully retract
The first thing one discovers about this "kit" is the sail and boom are really NOT manageable. One fellow called it a sac of potatoes ... Later longboards also had fully retractable centre-boards...
My evaluation and experiences with this classique: The deck is quite slippery. If one is not wearing booties of some sort, one is bound to slip and fall. This can be painful at "high" speeds. This is how people develop the bad habit of placing one foot against the base of the mast and then spreading their legs depending on the speed and wind forces. It is also a byproduct of the fact that there are NO footstraps. Later I applied some anti-slip to the deck. { I read somewhere that Chris Thompson won a race or races on a Ken Winner board, which was a Dufour with footstraps !!}
The fin at the back is quite small and plastic. I have done experiments where I tried to sail without the dagger-board (since it is NOT fully retractable). This did NOT work at all. The dagger-board is quite large, as seen above. In lighter winds it is best completely descended or down. This also applies when you really want to get upwind. I generally tend to run the dagger-board at the half-way mark i.e. at about 45 degrees to the board and water surface. This seems to work well in some situations and okay in others i.e. the best all-round solution. Also, it is already half-way to either extremity :-)
There are two(2) "holes" or mast-base receptacles on the desk. Some say the back is for lighter winds and the front for heavier winds. I tend to run it in the front "hole" since the plastic pins are broken and I now use metal cauter pins. Also, like to push the board and go in "heavier" winds.
The original sail SUCKS as does the boom. The boom is too long and is NOT clamp-on. The sail has no battens, just some tiny half-battens. The first thing I did with this board as an improvement was to get better sails. Even the old-timers that raced the boards said other sails were 100 times better !! Now I use a MauiSails Pursuit 8.5 with no cams. I rig it loose in the sense that the leech at the top is fairly tight. This is how the older sails were and the SailWorks Hucker now is. Some longboard forums are good for recommending sails to use with older longboards. The new sails do NOT have the same centre of effort, etc. I try not to get into too much technical detail. Just to say newer sails donut work as well with the older boards.
Last summer my bro-in-law was working in the basement of the chalet. He thought he heard a train coming and realized where he was. He looked out the garage door facing the lake and there I was flying, approaching the chalet with by Dufour and the MS Pursuit 8.5 :-) Both of us wished he had had a camera of some sort that day !!
This summer in 2011 I intend to try this combination on the St-Lawrence River in the lighter winds of 5 to 12 knots. After that I will jump on my shortboard. Hope to share my experiences of the BIC in bigger waters here :-)
Here's some early adverts:
Hope you donut mind, slipped an old Windsurfer ad in - Just Do It - sound familiar.
As noted, the sail had no full battens or cams, which lock the sail into shape. The one good thing about the sail was, one could roll it onto the mast and store them together.
One fellow on the forum said of racing with BIC Dufours in the day:
For this race, the Dufour boards were as light as possible (18 to 19 kgs instead of the standard 21/22 kgs), and to improve the performance in the sea conditions (3 to 6 feet waves) the boards had more scoop and lift obtained by two cuts, side to side of the deck just in rear of the daggerboard hole.
These two cuts were strongly stiched and glued, leaving two scars on the deck...
This gain in rear lift had also the effect to reduce the break effect due of the lack of rigidity of that ABS construction...
The only other improvement of these competition boards was a specific fiber or wood daggerboard, and of course the best rigs and sails available.
No one, in any team, had the idea to work on the skegs...big mistake!
In about 2002 I purchased an F2 Comet 330 with 2 sails. The idea was to try a more flat bottom board, but it also was about getting fully battened sails. Around here I started doing experiments with the harness as well. I thought I had found a trick where I would lean on the mast when I fell in the water hooked in - until I busted a mast. These masts were epoxy and fibre- glass and not the carbon masts of today. I still use the old replacement epoxy masts today. Also purchased a NP Warp speed 7.0 with 3 cams to get really going with the two (2) boards. Found the Comet unstable compared to the BIC and only use it in mid winds ie no schlogging.
Somewhere around 2003 I changed the original mast base to an F2. This was to better accommodate the more “modern” sails like my Niel Pryde 7.0 WARP. Yvan of AuVentFou says this sail is about 20 years old !! In 2008 I purchased a full kit with Maui Sails Pursuit 8.5, 490 cm mast and new aluminum boom. Sometimes I think of sailing in light winds on a “longboard”. Well, the BIC Dufour Wing is a full blown longboard. So, I custom fit the F2 mast base so that it would fit into the “generalized” mast extension. It is pictured here. How will the BIC fare with the modern 2006 monofilm sail ? The board also needs some ant-skid Antideslizante work. Where the mast foot goes into the base, there are cracks that need fresh silicon yearly. Also, the red plastic clips are all broken, but one. Use a cauter pin on the other side. Just to show you, this board has had its full usage.
The board is still used today when I go up to the chalet in the summer. It is also used for teaching. It has been redecked with Chinook Re-Dek (which comes with a roller) and the hole I managed to punch with a catapault was fixed with Solar-EZ. This year, 2011, I plan to bring the board down to the city to use on the St. Lawrence River and perhaps even Maine in the ocean. It is a great longboard and I have been using it every year since we got it. AND it runs great with the 2006 MauiSails Pursuit 8.5 !!!
Needless to say, the BIC is mine :-)
- still find pictures on the web of the Dufour ..
It seems even Micah Buzianis got started with a BIC Dufour Wing :-) Micah interview
Found this on the Peconic Puffin Blog:
Classic Longboards:
Boards we wish we never sold,swapped,or forgot about.
Boards we wish we never sold,swapped,or forgot about.
- Mistral Equipe
- Mistral Superlight
- Lechner
- Vassina 390
- Fanatic Ultracat
- Bic Dufour Wing
- Windsurfer One Design
- original Hi Tech 9'8"
Check long board forum for more discussions on longboards...
found on Popular Science Magazine
from http://ortolio.com/windsurf/sport/windsurf/
Through the seventies, Schweitzer aggressively promoted and licensed the Windsurfing International design and licensed the patent to manufacturers worldwide, mainly through competition and the publication of a magazine.[8] As a result, the sport underwent very rapid growth, particularly in Europe after the sale of a sub-license sold to Ten Cate in Holland.[6]
At the same time, Schweitzer also sought to defend his patent rights vigorously against unauthorized manufacturers. This led to a host of predating windsurfer-like devices being presented to courts around the world by companies disputing Windsurfing International’s rights to the invention.[citation needed]
In 1979, Schweitzer licensed Brittany, France-based company Dufour Wing, which was later merged with Tabur Marine – the precursor of Bic Sport.[9] Europe was now the largest growing market for windsurfers, and the sub-licensed companies – Tabur, F2, Mistral – wanted to find a way to remove or reduce their royalty payments to Windsurfing International.
Tabur lawyers found prior art, in a local English newspaper which had published a story with a picture about Peter Chilvers, who as a young boy on Hayling Island on the south coast of England, assembled his first board combined with a sail, in 1958. This Board used a universal joint,one of key parts of the Windsurfing International patent. They also found stories published about the 1964 invention of the Darby Sailboard by Newman Darby in Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania.[10]
In Windsurfing International Inc. v Tabur Marine (GB) Ltd. 1985 RPC 59, with Tabur backed financially by French sailing fanatic Baron Marcel Bich, British courts recognized the prior art of Peter Chilvers. It did not incorporate the curved wishbone booms of the modern windsurfer, but rather a “straight boom” that became curved in use. The courts found that the Schweitzer windsurfer boom was “merely an obvious extension”. It is worthy of note that this court case set a significant precedent for patent law in the United Kingdom, in terms of inventive step and non-obviousness; the court upheld the defendant’s claim that the Schweitzer patent was invalid, based on film footage of Chilvers. Schweitzer then sued the company in Canada, where the opposition team again financially backed by Bic included Chilvers and Jim Drake, and Schweitzer lost again. After the cases, no longer obliged to pay Windsurfing International any royalty payments, the now renamed Bic Sport became the world’s largest producer of windsurfing equipment, with an annual production of 15,000 boards.[9]
In 1983, Schweitzer sued Swiss board manufacturer Mistral, which is today still a major sailboard manufacturer, and lost. Mistral’s defense hinged on the work of US inventor Newman Darby, who in the mid-sixties conceived the “sailboard”: a hand-held square rigged “kite” sail on a floating platform for recreational use. Darby’s published version did not show any connection between the rig and the board (the mast simply rested in a depression on the board) but it did refer to a “more complex swivel step for advanced riders not shown”. He published his “sailboard” design in August 1965 Popular Science magazine. Darby organized Darby Industries Inc in 1964 to build these sailboards.[11][12][13][14] However, the sailboard never gained popularity, and Darby’s company ceased operations by the end of the 1960s.
Eventually US courts recognized the Schweitzer windsurfer as an obvious step from Darby’s prior art.[15] Schweitzer had to reapply for a patent under severely limited terms, and finally it expired in 1987. Shortly thereafter, having lost its license royalty income, Windsurfing International ceased operations.[8]
I still wonder what would or could ever replace my Dufour ? Older longboards are difficult to find. Newer longboards seem all race oriented and $$$. Now there seems to the SUP, KONA and Serenity. Each one of these is slightly different and even they are $$$ new. There is a Serenity near Toronto that I may try this summer. There is a Kona race in Ottawa - also this summer - and they are selling them used out of Toronto. Locally there seems to be a SUP club, butt i donut know if it is purist ie SUP only or are they also doing windsurfing ?
There also seems to be some interest in the BIC Samba that I had. I will give the technical specs here and a personal evaluation - i.e. very subjective :-)
Built around 1992
Volume 170 liters or cc
Length 320 cm or 10 feet 6 inches
Width 64 cm or 25.2 inches
Weight 15 kilos or 33 lbs !!!
recommended sail: up to 7.4
The board was lighter than the BIC Dufour and flatter. When I received it, it had NO centre board. I purchase one that stuck out too much and as such traded it for a smaller one that still stuck out a little bit when inside the sleeve. The board still had proprietary mast foot and that was one reason why it went in the garbage. The other was - it became water - logged. When it was working fine, it was a very good board to learn on in terms of planing, going in bigger waters, etc. I used it as a teaching tool and people seemed to find it more stable than the Dufour. People used to call it the Shark cuz of it's black fin :-) I was gonna write some graffiti on it like ORCA or something even more menacing - perhaps Marilyn Manson ? :-) It was fun while it lasted and did cost me only $40 for the centre board ... For now I stick with the Dufour ...
Just saw an advert for a Mistral Equipe II - man would i love to have one o those $%^&*( Many people are suggesting the KONA as a follow-up to the Dufour !!
Also found this image on an ad in kijiji :-)
One of the the things I always wonder about is which modern sails work with older or even newer longboards like the Phantom from SB??
Read an article in Windsurfing Mag of June 2008 that suggested:
North Prisma - 2 camber sail
Aerotech dagger 7.4 & 9.0
Severne Glide 7.5 "with a punch of a 9.0"
NP V8 Helium - one size ??
Just saw an advert for a Mistral Equipe II - man would i love to have one o those $%^&*( Many people are suggesting the KONA as a follow-up to the Dufour !!
Also found this image on an ad in kijiji :-)
One of the the things I always wonder about is which modern sails work with older or even newer longboards like the Phantom from SB??
Read an article in Windsurfing Mag of June 2008 that suggested:
North Prisma - 2 camber sail
Aerotech dagger 7.4 & 9.0
Severne Glide 7.5 "with a punch of a 9.0"
NP V8 Helium - one size ??
hi, i´m new at the sport and guess what? i live in mexico and i had a lot of fun when i watched te pictures in this post, because i bought here that exactly board with the broken fin... so thats all, see you, how much its a new full freeride kit?? thanks