BACK UP , BACK UP and BACK UP - i should already know that $%^&*(
This is my first experience with blogging and it seems to be okay so far. My issues are that I have spent too much time on something that was supposed to be for windsurf journalism and it is not flexible enuff. In other words I do NOT want to lose it. Yet the export blog feature only seems to export the posts and not pages. Will try one more time, butt if that does not work, I will revamp this blog #$%^&*( Also, pages do not seem to show up in search gadgets nor do they allow labels. As one article says, static pages are more trouble than they are worth - so, I will revamp this blog and try to make it more like a webpage - with a main page and then links - one for sailboards, one for journal entries, etc ... Hope it all works out :-)
First I will try to make this the first post no matter what and put links to all the other posts and pages. The pages will becomes posts after. That seems to be working .. Just for prosperity - what i did was in the post options - post date and time with option automatic - AND edit this post last ie after EVERY new post - not too bad of a PITA
Now I will try to move a page to a post and put some labels ...
I copied the html and it seems to be working...
Now I will delete a "static page" - better work &*()
The menu will look like the following...
Journals: journals.html
How I started Winter Sailboarding: how-i-started-winter-windsurfing.html
enjoy having a menu on the first page - however, had to compact it to fit on portable screens - not as pretty
changed layout a bit and looks MUCH better
now if only i could put some heavy musak on the webpages @#$%^&*
what's bugging me now is the margins and padding - hard to set up like next line indents %^&*()_ trying with tables here
okay - the table seems to work in the history of windsurfing
now - how about excel and iframes ??
iframes give too much and have issues cus it's java - why not just cut n paste into paint and import pic ?
did some mods in html and lost my ggogle translator %^&*(
will put a copy here in case i do that agin
also try to put original log here:
I do not like the speed of the blog loading - found this link:
one day blogger was down
so, i did some tests
registered myself on the and discovered that there were labels, but no tags - i thought the labels were tags $%^&*() to be investigated
new issue --> putting pics on the blog %^&*(OP
if linked to outside - if original moves - link dies
put stuff from blog on iwindsurf - too high a resolution
try to take stuff from hotmail - keeps doing OPEN WITH ^&*(
PITA $%^&*()
how about this one then ??
<iframe title ="Preview" scrolling="no" marginheight="0" marginwidth="0" frameborder="0" style="width:320px;height:214px;padding:0;background-color:#fcfcfc;" src="^_9202%20copy.JPG?cid=c6db8ade6b0c768c&sc=photos"></iframe>
so now - i put stuff in adobe PS 4.0 {OLD i know} adjust size and quality and put here $%^&*()
This is my first experience with blogging and it seems to be okay so far. My issues are that I have spent too much time on something that was supposed to be for windsurf journalism and it is not flexible enuff. In other words I do NOT want to lose it. Yet the export blog feature only seems to export the posts and not pages. Will try one more time, butt if that does not work, I will revamp this blog #$%^&*( Also, pages do not seem to show up in search gadgets nor do they allow labels. As one article says, static pages are more trouble than they are worth - so, I will revamp this blog and try to make it more like a webpage - with a main page and then links - one for sailboards, one for journal entries, etc ... Hope it all works out :-)
First I will try to make this the first post no matter what and put links to all the other posts and pages. The pages will becomes posts after. That seems to be working .. Just for prosperity - what i did was in the post options - post date and time with option automatic - AND edit this post last ie after EVERY new post - not too bad of a PITA
Now I will try to move a page to a post and put some labels ...
I copied the html and it seems to be working...
Now I will delete a "static page" - better work &*()
The menu will look like the following...
Journals: journals.html
How I started Winter Sailboarding: how-i-started-winter-windsurfing.html
enjoy having a menu on the first page - however, had to compact it to fit on portable screens - not as pretty
changed layout a bit and looks MUCH better
now if only i could put some heavy musak on the webpages @#$%^&*
what's bugging me now is the margins and padding - hard to set up like next line indents %^&*()_ trying with tables here
- Player Name
- Sachin
- Gilchrist
- Dhoni
- Ponting
- Country
- India
- Australia
- India
- Australia
- Ranking
- 1
- 2
- 6
- 10
okay - the table seems to work in the history of windsurfing
now - how about excel and iframes ??
iframes give too much and have issues cus it's java - why not just cut n paste into paint and import pic ?
did some mods in html and lost my ggogle translator %^&*(
will put a copy here in case i do that agin
also try to put original log here:
I do not like the speed of the blog loading - found this link:
one day blogger was down
so, i did some tests
registered myself on the and discovered that there were labels, but no tags - i thought the labels were tags $%^&*() to be investigated
new issue --> putting pics on the blog %^&*(OP
if linked to outside - if original moves - link dies
put stuff from blog on iwindsurf - too high a resolution
try to take stuff from hotmail - keeps doing OPEN WITH ^&*(
PITA $%^&*()
how about this one then ??
<iframe title ="Preview" scrolling="no" marginheight="0" marginwidth="0" frameborder="0" style="width:320px;height:214px;padding:0;background-color:#fcfcfc;" src="^_9202%20copy.JPG?cid=c6db8ade6b0c768c&sc=photos"></iframe>
so now - i put stuff in adobe PS 4.0 {OLD i know} adjust size and quality and put here $%^&*()
embed sail calculator
embed 2011 winds by date
How to make all links open in new windows
to open template editor
Use keyboard shortcut ctrl+F to find <head> and immediately after that, add a single line <base target='_blank' /> so that it become
<base target='_blank' />
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