Saturday, 12 March 2011

That's it. Starting converting board # 1 to be flat with a central ski as a stabilizer. 

Couple of hours later and $3.40 in hardware and it is ready for testing !!! Am going to call it board # 3.14 since it is the third configuration and using using board #1. And I like pie :-)
Now all I need is some colder weather and some winds.
Did I just ask for some cold weather ?? :-) Yes, I must be going nuts :-)

This foto was taken at initial consideration:

Removed the bulky mast-base setup, moved the mast-base up about four(4) inches and put some more anti-skid tape. Here's a peek:

Habe gesehen, dass dann und wann Deutsche sich hier anmelden. Herzlichen Gruss aus Kanada :-)

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