Tuesday, 28 June 2011

Me n my BEE

28JUN2011 - off for the week - went to visit the outlaws at the chalet with the wife n the kid - on a Tuesday.

Brought the stuff to test the BEE.

Dutch fellow Robert on a BEE LTD 124 with an 8.1 ripping it up
from http://windsurfing.rdeleeuw.nl/spullen/

I must have hated the first test OR forgot to write about it in the journal !!! There was one day where i did the intro test on the 2001 Fanatic BEE LTD 124. When i have newbies learning how to w/s, i have them stand on the board to see how they balance the board and sometimes can spot balance issues. So, i took the BEE to AAO and put it in the water with NO sail and tried to stand on it. WELL, those smaller boards just do NOT balance the same. At one point i started to worry that i had made a mistake. Also, the anti-skid on the board was still rough enuff to rip the skin on my shins. I was NOT a happy camper that day. Although I did RIP on the 160 with the 8.5 after !!!

Add to that - my buddy now has a 2011 Fanatic Hawk 135 which he finds extremely difficult to up-haul on !!

In case you do not follow this blog or do not know me/us. My current weight is 97 kilos/ 215 pounds. Lost 35 pounds from 250 - just for windsurfing :-) {yes, i know - that was not a healthy weight}. So, these are our next boards down from our big lite wind floaters -- 160 liters AHD FF for me and BIC Techno II 160 for my 235 pound w/s buddy. {the BIC was sold and he is sticking with his Hawk 135}

This test at the chalet was with a wetsuit - no scuffing the shins and with a sail (old Gaastra Flow 3x 7.0) as a counterbalance. Winds were extremely light - the idea was to test the possibility of up-hauling.

The first thing i noticed, it was a cinch to carry the kit - board n sail - to the water as one unit. When i try this with my 160 liter board and 8.5 sail, it is a chore and NO easy task. NO wonder the others are marching to the wind with ease !!! Their kits are much lighter and easier to carry $%^&*()_

It was also a good thing that i did the previous post on up-hauling a smaller board. I did NOT straddle the mast, but instead had the front foot against the front of the mast base and used the back foot to balance how the front of the board was in relation to the top of the water.

It was not that difficult, butt i did NOT ever sink lower than 6 inches in the water. I was even able to schlogg and managed one or two(2) tacks. A light wind jibe/gybe actually went through as well.

When the wind gave a little kick, the front foot started to go back and the smile started to form on my face.

Yeah, now i almost cannot wait to give a real buzz on the water with my BEE !!!

just me n the BEE :-)


{found the entry of my first test on the BEE - it was in my original journal entries - just before or around the time they kept getting fuddled up - it was 03JUN2011 - beginning of the month on a Friday - it was the day some "lady" gave me shite for wearing a Marilyn Manson t-shirt :-) in her honour, i will wear it again next time i go out :-) }

for my records - the mast was at 140 cm from the tail - for balance

SAT 02JUL2011 was on the lake with the BEE and the Gaastra 7-oh. In a bathing suit {yes - scuffed the shins :-(} and had better winds.

Was surprised that I could NOT get the board planing in those winds. The BIC Dufour felt smoother and faster than the BEE in the same winds with the same sail. Unfortunately I already pushed my back too much and was NOT ready to try the 8.5 on the BEE - although i really wanted too. I paid dearly just for not resting the back - on the drive home every bump hurt my back :-(


Was actually able to do some tacks n gybes - not full speed though and NOT real gybes. At times the board goes down over one foot in the water ...
Waterstarts n footstraps - here i come !!

Me n my BEE

28JUN2011 - off for the week - went to visit the outlaws with the wife n kid. Brought stuff to test the BEE.

I must have hated the first test OR forgot to write in the journal !!! There was one day where i did the intro test on the 2001 Fanatic BEE LTD 124. When i have newbies learning how to w/s, i have them stand on the board to see how they balance the board and sometimes can spot balance issues. So, i took the BEE to AAO and put it in the water with NO sail and tried to stand on it. WELL, those smaller boards just do NOT balance the same. At one point i started to worry that i had made a mistake. Also, the skin on the board was still rough enuff to rip the skin on my shins. I was NOT a happy camper.

Add to that - my buddy now has a 2011 Fanatic Hawk 135 which he finds extremely difficult to up-haul on !!

In case you do not follow this blog or do not know me/us. My current weight is 97 kilos/ 215 pounds. Lost 35 pounds from 250 - just for windsurfing :-) {yes, i know - that was not a healthy weight}. So, these are our next boards down from our big lite wind floaters 160 liters AHD FF and BIC Techno II for my 235 pound w/s buddy.

The test at the chalet was with a wetsuit - no scuffing the shins and with a sail (old Gaastra Flow 3x 7.0) as a counterbalance. Winds were extremely light - the idea was to test the possibility of up-hauling.

The first thing i noticed, it was a cinch to carry the kit - board n sail - to the water as one unit. When i try this with my 160 liter board and 8.5 sail, it is a chore and NO easy task. NO wonder the others are marching to the wind with ease !!! Their kits are much lighter and easier to carry $%^&*()_

It was also a good thing that i did the previous post on up-hauling a smaller board. I did NOT straddle the mast, but instead had the front foot against the mast and used the back foot to balance how the front of the board was in relation to the top of the water.

It was not that difficult, butt i did NOT ever sink lower than 6 inches in the water. I was even able to schlogg and managed one or two(2) tacks. A light wind jibe/gybe actually went through as well.

When the wind gave a little kick, the front foot started to go back and the smile started to form on my face.

Yeah, now i almost cannot wait to give a real buzz on the water with my BEE !!!

just me n the BEE :-)
Journal Entries: were below this index - now indexed - older posts are below

BIC Fufour Wing & Starting Windsurfing: my-bic-dufour-wing-and-how-i-started.html
How I started Winter Sailboarding: how-i-started-winter-windsurfing.html
How I Started Shortboarding how-i-started-shortboarding.html
Sailboards sailboards.html                                 
Fins: fins.html
Sails: sails.html              Sail Materials: sail-materials.html                                 
Masts: masts.html
BOOM: boom.html                                
Accessories: accessories.html
Jim Drake's Windsurf Physics: jim-drakes-windsurf-physics.html 
History of Windsurfing: history-of-windsurfing.html
Original Journal Entries: original-journal-entries.html
How YOU can start windsurfing: how-you-can-start-windsurfing.html 
Windsurfing in Montrealwindsurfing-in-montreal.html
New journal entries: new-journal-entries.html 

Tuesday, 21 June 2011

Uphauling a sail onto a "smaller" board

The reason I put the title word smaller in quotes is : size is relative. My windsurf buddy weighs about 230 lbs (about 105 kilos) and is starting to use his new Fanatic Hawk 135. This board is weight in kilos plus 30. He has difficulty up-hauling and this is a new skill to be acquired. Tinho Dornellas of Calema Sports in Florida states that it is imperative to be able to up-haul onto your board cuz there are always times when the wind goes down or wind-shadows, etc.

Bruno of 2-rad says he can up-haul on his 90 liter board and he too is 200 lbs.

It basically takes some skill AND practice. Bruno has said he keeps the front foot in front of the mast and the back foot back ie NOT straddling the mast. The reason he does this is: he wishes to start with the sail azap. Nelson of 2-rad calls getting going after that an upside down triangle ...

Here is an article on the subject and i will "steal" some pieces of info and some photos: http://books.google.ca/books
clique images to enlarge !! and see more clearly

Uphauling a sail onto a "smaller" board

The reason I put the title word smaller in quotes is : size is relative. My windsurf buddy weighs about 230 lbs (about 105 kilos) and is starting to use his new Fanatic Hawk 135. This board is weight in kilos plus 30. He has difficulty up-hauling and this is a new skill to be acquired. Tinho Dornellas of Calema Sports in Florida states that it is imperative to be able to up-haul onto your board cuz there are always times when the wind goes down or wind-shadows, etc.

Bruno of 2-rad says he can up-haul on his 90 liter board and he too is 200 lbs.

It basically takes some skill AND practice. Bruno has said he keeps the front foot in front of the mast and the back foot back ie NOT straddling the mast. The reason he does this is: he wishes to start with the sail azap. Nelson of 2-rad calls getting going after that an upside down triangle ...

Here is an article on the subject and i will "steal" some pieces of info and some photos: http://books.google.ca/books
clique images to enlarge !! and see more clearly

Monday, 13 June 2011

what, down-haul line slippage #$%^&*(

This season i needed to replace some ropes/cords and decided to give the latest material dyneema a try. It's supposed to be indestructible.

Well, two(2) days ago , on Saturday - the 10th of June, i was rigging my Maui Sails TR-4 10-oh race sail on a 520 mast with a Chinook mast extension. I thought i had placed the cord into the cleat well and i saw it slip back %^&* Okay, let's try that again. This time i gave it more down-haul and clamped the line in the cleat. Darn it, i saw it move again %^&*()

Wrote about this on the StarBoard/SB and MauiSails/MS forums. Barry Spanier of MS replied saying clam cleats wear out !!! I had absolutely NO idea about this $%^&*() One fellow wrote that he had never had ANY issue with North clam cleats. Well, this is a direct competitor to Maui Sails  :-)

I looked it up and the CL250 retails for about $16. Another search showed that windance had em, butt not much available in this area...   For now I will try my spare mast extension which is an Xtreme Proline. Then see if i can get that part elsewhere or e-bay. {found one @ auventfou and reserved it !!}

On the SB forum a fellow commented that it is was the line {and here, redsurfbus did as well}... I have "older" nylon line and "spare" dyneema - i can do experiments with the 10-oh.

Man, even the little dependable things give out after time :-(

found an interesting post on iwindsurf ==> http://www.iwindsurf.com/forums/viewtopic.php?t=22369

Update: Tried my "older" Xtreme Proline mast base (which also has a dyneema cord) with the Maui Sails TR-4 10-oh sail AND there was NO slippage. So, is it the cable wearing out or the CL250 clam cleat ??

Once again, time {and experiments} will tell $%^&U* and yes, i will continue this subject until satisfied !!

23JUN2011 picked up the CL250 clamcleat for $10 from auventfou - made in England. Does not look that different than the current one. Was a real PITA removing old one and putting "new" one. Winds 20 to 40 kph tomorrow - perhaps time to test it out in the rain ??

clique to enlarge

clique to see more clearly

24JUN2011 did manage to go out, butt winds and waves were overwhelming for my limited w/s experience. Was rigged with an 8.5 rather than the 10-oh - still over, butt in any case, the down-haul line did NOT slip. Still need to test the same line with the 10-oh. And to be sure - on more than one occasion. Could always try rigging it in the back yard ...

28JUN2011 - no slippage with the 7-oh.

29JUN2011 - no slippage with the 8.5 on rigging nor use and i was ripping.

btw i was surprised when i picked up the CL250, they were mounting an MS Pursuit on a Unifiber mast. Customer was returning a broken Unifiber mast - under warranty  :-(  The young girl who now works @ auventfou informed me that Unifiber makes all kinds of masts ie constant curve, flex top and hard top. So, that is why they have that interesting chart !!! They know whose business to steal !!

11JUL2011 - still NO slippage to date since changing the clip, butt i have NOT rigged the 10-oh yet. Have an issue with my back since i moved the neighbour's table :-( Perhaps will rig it in the back yard in order to complete this post.

25AUG2011 - again - still NO slippage and again have still NOT rigged that 10-oh. Again, will hafta do that in the backyard then %^&*(

02SEPT2011 - finally went out with the 10-oh. There was NO slippage and i did rig twice. Since it was NOT windy, i took the occasion to correctly rig the sail, apply Sailkote for cams, etc.

This DOES suggest that the CL250 clam-cleat for $10 solved the slippage issue.

Would changing the cord have done the same thing ?? 
That solution would also cost $1 per foot of dyneema  and thus only slightly less expensive - both negligible costs !! I used to make my cords about 6 feet. Now I am considering 8 feet !!!

what, down-haul line slippage #$%^&*(

This season i needed to replace some ropes/cords and decided to give the latest material dyneema a try. It's supposed to be indestructible.

Well, two(2) days ago , on Saturday - the 10th of June, i was rigging my Maui Sails TR-4 10-oh race sail on a 520 mast with a Chinook mast extension. I thought i had placed the cord into the cleat well and i saw it slip back %^&* Okay, let's try that again. This time i gave it more down-haul and clamped the line in the cleat. Darn it, i saw it move again %^&*()

Wrote about this on the StarBoard/SB and MauiSails/MS forums. Barry Spanier of MS replied saying clam cleats wear out !!! I had absolutely NO idea about this $%^&*() One fellow wrote that he had never had ANY issue with North clam cleats. Well, this is a direct competitor to Maui Sails  :-)

I looked it up and the CL250 retails for about $16. Another search showed that windance had em, butt not much available in this area...   For now I will try my spare mast extension which is an Xtreme Proline. Then see if i can get that part elsewhere or e-bay. {found one @ auventfou and reserved it !!}

On the SB forum a fellow commented that it is was the line {and here, redsurfbus did as well}... I have "older" nylon line and "spare" dyneema - i can do experiments with the 10-oh.

Man, even the little dependable things give out after time :-(

found an interesting post on iwindsurf ==> http://www.iwindsurf.com/forums/viewtopic.php?t=22369

Update: Tried my "older" Xtreme Proline mast base (which also has a dyneema cord) with the Maui Sails TR-4 10-oh sail AND there was NO slippage. So, is it the cable wearing out or the CL250 clam cleat ??

Once again, time {and experiments} will tell $%^&U* and yes, i will continue this subject until satisfied !!

23JUN2011 picked up the CL250 clamcleat for $10 from auventfou - made in England. Does not look that different than the current one. Was a real PITA removing old one and putting "new" one. Winds 20 to 40 kph tomorrow - perhaps time to test it out in the rain ??

clique to enlarge
clique to see more clearly

24JUN2011 did manage to go out, butt winds and waves were overwhelming for my limited w/s experience. Was rigged with an 8.5 rather than the 10-oh - still over, butt in any case, the downhaul line did NOT slip. Still need to test the same line with the 10-oh. And to be sure - on more than one occasion. Could always try rigging it in the back yard ...

btw i was surprised when i picked up the CL250, they were mounting an MS Pursuit on a Unifiber mast. Customer was returning a broken Unifiber mast - under warranty  :-(  The young girl who now works @ auventfou informed me that Unifiber makes all kinds of masts ie constant curve, flex top and hard top. So, that is why they have that interesting chart !!! They know whose business to steal !!

Sunday, 12 June 2011

Getting Hooked

During my last session, in my hurry,  I forgot to tie the seat harness straps around my legs. This basically turned the seat harness into a waist harness. I sailed like this with a 10-oh race sail without even realizing it until i got off the water. In fact i was loving it !!!

What i did notice while on the water was the boom was higher than usual - when i use the harness i put it lower- and was actually where i like it when i am not in the harness - like on the long-board on a lite wind day. Even with 30 inch harness lines, i still lower the boom to facilitate easier hooking in and hanging down low.

This makes me wonder whether i would enjoy or like a waist harness more than my current old seat harness. What i am going to do as an experiment is put the leg straps/attachments looser in order to keep the hook about two to three inches higher...

That session i had also moved the harness lines back on the boom to where i had liked them last year. This seemed to help as well.

The bigger issue for me is still the foot-straps. I am frust-strapped !! I am trying to either get in the straps too early or too late %^&*( This year my intention is to get in the foot-straps and to nail those water-starts $%^&*() After that i can concentrate on maneuvering around the chop (too small to really be called waves).

Read an article that explained how easy it is to teach people all these facets IF you are in an area with steady constant winds, shallower water and not too much wave. That's not happening here :-) For me it just means it will take longer, butt i am enjoying myself each time i go out just the same. I can still blast, chop hop and bask in the sun on a lite wind day !!!

My motto: just get on the water - and LOVE it :-)

Getting Hooked

During my last session, in my hurry,  I forgot to tie the seat harness straps around my legs. This basically turned the seat harness into a waist harness. I sailed like this with a 10-oh race sail without even realizing it until i got off the water. In fact i was loving it !!!

What i did notice while on the water was the boom was higher than usual - when i use the harness i put it lower- and was actually where i like it when i am not in the harness - like on the long-board on a lite wind day. Even with 30 inch harness lines, i still lower the boom to facilitate easier hooking in and hanging down low.

This makes me wonder whether i would enjoy or like a waist harness more than my current old seat harness. What i am going to do as an experiment is put the leg straps/attachments looser in order to keep the hook about two to three inches higher...

That session i had also moved the harness lines back on the boom to where i had liked them last year. This seemed to help as well.

The bigger issue for me is still the foot-straps. I am frust-strapped !! I am trying to either get in the straps too early or too late %^&*( This year my intention is to get in the foot-straps and to nail those water-starts $%^&*() After that i can concentrate on maneuvering around the chop (too small to really be called waves).

Read an article that explained how easy it is to teach people all these facets IF you are in an area with steady constant winds, shallower water and not too much wave. That's not happening here :-) For me it just means it will take longer, butt i am enjoying myself each time i go out just the same. I can still blast, chop hop and bask in the sun on a lite wind day !!!

My motto: just get on the water - and LOVE it :-)

Wednesday, 8 June 2011

DEMO DAY 2011 in Montreal = Saturday 11 June @ l'Anse à l'Orme/AAO

This was the message and invitation from the PREZ, Dave Cadoret - translated by me
once info is provided on the APVM site about the event , i will present it here or at least provide the link/url.

APVM = Association Planche à Voile Montréal = Montreal's Windsurf Association

so far weather predictions are NOT good - 20 kph wind from the SE - no good for AAO  and strong for newbies + 5 to 10 mm rain = damn $%^&* - let's hope 4 change !!!
it did NOT rain until later AND winds were more than 20 kph from the SE/ESE in the pm. 

this message is a cordial invitation to the 20th anniversary of APVM's DEMO DAY
ce message est pour vous inviter cordialement à la journée démo du 20e anniversaire de l'APVM.

Où : Parc de l'Anse à l'Orme, Montréal
Quand : samedi le 11 juin de 10h à 17h

This year there was a concerted effort to ensure the day represents its name well. Boutiques and the following companies will be on-site to show you their products and let you try them...
Cette année, nous avons concentré notre énergie pour que la journée porte son nom. Les boutiques et compagnies suivantes seront sur place pour vous montrer leurs produits et vous les faire essayer :

Boutiques :

* 30 noeuds
* Wind Spirit
* 2 Rad

Compagnies :

* Boutique-Windsurf
* Voile libre
* Makani

Come and test various products - it is the time to do so !!! There is always the BBQ on site, initiation clinics with the url for the inscription below: 
Vous voulez voir et tester différents produits... ça va être le temps ! Il y a toujours notre BBQ sur place, les cliniques d'initiation (invitez des gens à la clinique : http://www.apvm.ca/inscription_demoday.htm ).

Pour les cliniques présentes :

* Les voiles : Bruno de 2 Rad
* Les ailerons : Louis de Makani
* Cliniques d'initiation

And as always, the famous MEGA draw with all kinds of articles and gift certificates with a radical board: SB EVO 75.
 Et bien entendu, notre fameux MÉGA tirage comprenant une panoplie d'articles et certificats cadeaux des boutiques et compagnies et d'une planche assez radicale cette année : Starboard Evo 75 litres.

Volunteers are needed / Bénévoles demandés :

As we do each year, we invite you and anyone who wishes to help - to help us make this a great day for all.
Comme à chaque année, nous vous invitons aussi pour les gens qui le désirent à venir nous aider pour le bon fonctionnement de la journée.

We always need people at the information table, BBQ, beginner clinics and to put the site together (8h30-9h00)- just write to dave.wave@sympatico.ca Nous avons toujours besoin de gens à la table d'accueil, au BBQ ainsi que pour les cliniques de débutants et pour monter le site (vers 8h30-9h le matin). (répondre à ce courriel pour me contacter et donner vos disponibilités).

It is also a great time for you and anyone who wishes to join or renew their APVM membership !!
C'est aussi le temps pour ceux qui le désirent de faire leur renouvellement de membre à l'APVM.

Looking forward to seeing you all !!!

Au plaisir de vous y voir ! 
Dave the Wave Cadoret

DEMO DAY 2011 in Montreal = Saturday 11 June @ l'Anse à l'Orme/AAO

This was the message and invitation from the PREZ, Dave Cadoret - translated by me
once info is provided on the APVM site about the event , i will present it here or at least provide the link/url.

APVM = Association Planche à Voile Montréal = Montreal's Windsurf Association

so far weather predictions are NOT good - 20 kph wind from the SE - no good for AAO  and strong for newbies + 5 to 10 mm rain = damn $%^&* - let's hope 4 change !!!
it did NOT rain until later AND winds were more than 20 kph from the SE/ESE in the pm. 

this message is a cordial invitation to the 20th anniversary of APVM's DEMO DAY
ce message est pour vous inviter cordialement à la journée démo du 20e anniversaire de l'APVM.

Où : Parc de l'Anse à l'Orme, Montréal
Quand : samedi le 11 juin de 10h à 17h

This year there was a concerted effort to ensure the day represents its name well. Boutiques and the following companies will be on-site to show you their products and let you try them...
Cette année, nous avons concentré notre énergie pour que la journée porte son nom. Les boutiques et compagnies suivantes seront sur place pour vous montrer leurs produits et vous les faire essayer :

Boutiques :

* 30 noeuds
* Wind Spirit
* 2 Rad

Compagnies :

* Boutique-Windsurf
* Voile libre
* Makani

Come and test various products - it is the time to do so !!! There is always the BBQ on site, initiation clinics with the url for the inscription below: 
Vous voulez voir et tester différents produits... ça va être le temps ! Il y a toujours notre BBQ sur place, les cliniques d'initiation (invitez des gens à la clinique : http://www.apvm.ca/inscription_demoday.htm ).

Pour les cliniques présentes :

* Les voiles : Bruno de 2 Rad
* Les ailerons : Louis de Makani
* Cliniques d'initiation

And as always, the famous MEGA draw with all kinds of articles and gift certificates with a radical board: SB EVO 75.
 Et bien entendu, notre fameux MÉGA tirage comprenant une panoplie d'articles et certificats cadeaux des boutiques et compagnies et d'une planche assez radicale cette année : Starboard Evo 75 litres.

Volunteers are needed / Bénévoles demandés :

As we do each year, we invite you and anyone who wishes to help - to help us make this a great day for all.
Comme à chaque année, nous vous invitons aussi pour les gens qui le désirent à venir nous aider pour le bon fonctionnement de la journée.

We always need people at the information table, BBQ, beginner clinics and to put the site together (8h30-9h00)- just write to dave.wave@sympatico.ca Nous avons toujours besoin de gens à la table d'accueil, au BBQ ainsi que pour les cliniques de débutants et pour monter le site (vers 8h30-9h le matin). (répondre à ce courriel pour me contacter et donner vos disponibilités).

It is also a great time for you and anyone who wishes to join or renew their APVM membership !!
C'est aussi le temps pour ceux qui le désirent de faire leur renouvellement de membre à l'APVM.

Looking forward to seeing you all !!!

Au plaisir de vous y voir ! 
Dave the Wave Cadoret

Monday, 6 June 2011

When is there enuff wind?

In my last post I wrote about what is too much wind. Quite often the converse is an  issue as well. When is there enuff wind ?

There have been plenty of times when i/we have gone windsurfing and sat on-shore waiting for the wind to pick up or in some instances to change direction. Often, when the direction was off slightly we would go off to another more promising site. Some people say - never leave wind for wind elsewhere...

My windsurf buddy, has purchased a Fanatic Hawk 135 and is now selling his BIC Techno 2 160 liter board. This means his wind expectations have increased.

I, on the other hand, have gone to the country and brought back my BIC Dufour Wing, which has about 220 liters of volume. This means my wind expectations have decreased. The proof is in the pudding. Why, just last month, May 2011, I have been out approximately ten (10) times. About eighty(80) percent of those outings have been in lighter winds - on the Dufour with a MS Pursuit 8.5. Just yesterday, Sunday the 5th of June, I was out on a beautiful sunny day on the local river in winds all under 10 mph. And yet, I had the time of my life and it made me feel like i actually lived out in the countryside and was taking a stroll on the water !!

There are things called pain thresholds. I suggest there are levels called pleasure or joy thresholds. How much wind does a windsurfer need to have a great time. I venture to say most of it is in the mind. If you think you're gonna have a good time - why usually you do !!!

Obviously if the wind is too low for the equipment you have on site, it is a different issue. And that is why I have added the monster board and whenever winds are announced as 20 to 40 kph, I will bring along the Dufour. This way i am sure, I will venture out on the water. Since i seem to know myself somewhat - as a water rat - any time on the water is a good time !!

My hope is that people lower their wind thresholds and grasp the joy of being on the water. Yes, going fast and trying new stuff has great pleasures as well. However, i donut want to be dependent on bigger winds for my fix. I am not ready to buy a SUP or other water gadget, butt have enough stuff to go on winds from 5 mph to about 30 mph. Under that forget it and over that, my skills just are not there. This addresses about 90 % of the winds we have and guarantees me at least one wind session per week :-)

Right now Wednesday is starting to be set as next "bigger" wind day. It is about 15 mph, which sounds like 20 to 40 kph to me. I prefer the sun, but am ready to go in the wet anyway. AND the days are getting longer. Can put in a full day's work, go out on the water and still get home in time to make supper.

How can anyone complain about that? Life as a waterman is GREAT :-)

Some people go the Formula route, butt that is not a road for everyone and expen$ive.

This lighter fellow reaches 18 knots GPS in just 10 to 13 knots with an 8.0 !!! Not bad !!!
As a heavyweight, I need to use a 10-oh on my 160 liter board in such winds to have similiar results.
And the moral of this story is - get on your board n ride :-) 

Ironically I came across an article in an old Windsurf Mag from 2008 today on the train... It stated that you knew you were a longboarder if you preferred the tack over the jibe - guilty. Also said 7 mph winds are enuff to put a grin on your face - guilty. What i found really interesting was the stats - what is your biggest board?
The numbers were:
21.29 % Longboard
11.39 % Formula
44.06 % 101 to 150 liters
16.34 % 85 to 100 liters
6.93 % under 85 liters = WOW
This was apparently based on reader input and i am interested to know how well that represents the North American windsurf population. Nowadays SUP and KONA are becoming popular and may influence the big board numbers...

Followup: Bruno of 2-rad tells me he can plane with 200 lbs on a 90 liter board with a 6.2 sail in 14 knots of wind... Someone wrote something similar in a comment on another post - let me find it ... Anonymous had written in the next post about too much wind that "average joe windsurfers" use 4.2s in the Gorge and that everything is relative. Luckily, Einstein agrees :-)

When is there enuff wind?

In my last post I wrote about what is too much wind. Quite often the converse is an  issue as well. When is there enuff wind ?

There have been plenty of times when i/we have gone windsurfing and sat on-shore waiting for the wind to pick up or in some instances to change direction. Often, when the direction was off slightly we would go off to another more promising site. Some people say - never leave wind for wind elsewhere...

My windsurf buddy, has purchased a Fanatic Hawk 135 and is now selling his BIC Techno 2 160 liter board. This means his wind expectations have increased.

I, on the other hand, have gone to the country and brought back my BIC Dufour Wing, which has about 220 liters of volume. This means my wind expectations have decreased. The proof is in the pudding. Why, just last month, May 2011, I have been out approximately ten (10) times. About eighty(80) percent of those outings have been in lighter winds - on the Dufour with a MS Pursuit 8.5. Just yesterday, Sunday the 5th of June, I was out on a beautiful sunny day on the local river in winds all under 10 mph. And yet, I had the time of my life and it made me feel like i actually lived out in the countryside and was taking a stroll on the water !!

There are things called pain thresholds. I suggest there are levels called pleasure or joy thresholds. How much wind does a windsurfer need to have a great time. I venture to say most of it is in the mind. If you think you're gonna have a good time - why usually you do !!!

Obviously if the wind is too low for the equipment you have on site, it is a different issue. And that is why I have added the monster board and whenever winds are announced as 20 to 40 kph, I will bring along the Dufour. This way i am sure, I will venture out on the water. Since i seem to know myself somewhat - as a water rat - any time on the water is a good time !!

My hope is that people lower their wind thresholds and grasp the joy of being on the water. Yes, going fast and trying new stuff has great pleasures as well. However, i donut want to be dependent on bigger winds for my fix. I am not ready to buy a SUP or other water gadget, butt have enough stuff to go on winds from 5 mph to about 30 mph. Under that forget it and over that, my skills just are not there. This addresses about 90 % of the winds we have and guarantees me at least one wind session per week :-)

Right now Wednesday is starting to be set as next "bigger" wind day. It is about 15 mph, which sounds like 20 to 40 kph to me. I prefer the sun, but am ready to go in the wet anyway. AND the days are getting longer. Can put in a full day's work, go out on the water and still get home in time to make supper.

How can anyone complain about that? Life as a waterman is GREAT :-)

Some people go the Formula route, butt that is not a road for everyone and expen$ive.

This lighter fellow reaches 18 knots GPS in just 10 to 13 knots with an 8.0 !!! Not bad !!!
As a heavyweight, I need to use a 10-oh on my 160 liter board in such winds to have similiar results.
And the moral of this story is - get on your board n ride :-) 

Ironically I came across an article in an old Windsurf Mag from 2008 today on the train... It stated that you knew you were a longboarder if you preferred the tack over the jibe - guilty. Also said 7 mph winds are enuff to put a grin on your face - guilty. What i found really interesting was the stats - what is your biggest board?
The numbers were:
21.29 % Longboard
11.39 % Formula
44.06 % 101 to 150 liters
16.34 % 85 to 100 liters
6.93 % under 85 liters = WOW
This was apparently based on reader input and i am interested to know how well that represents the North American windsurf population. Nowadays SUP and KONA are becoming popular and may influence the big board numbers...

Followup: Bruno of 2-rad tells me he can plane with 200 lbs on a 90 liter board with a 6.2 sail in 14 knots of wind... Someone wrote something similar in a comment on another post - let me find it ... Anonymous had written in the next post about too much wind that "average joe windsurfers" use 4.2s in the Gorge and that everything is relative. Luckily, Einstein agrees :-)

Wednesday, 1 June 2011

How much wind is too much wind ??

Today on the first of June 2011, my buddy wanted to go out and try his brand new Fanatic Hawk 135. I can understand why he is anxious to get out. I did NOT even bring my stuff nor my car to work and Helmut was surprised. I warned him that winds were going to be beyond me and my average joe skills. He always says i do crazy stuff , take crazy risks and put myself in crazy situations. And i DO !!

However, today was NOT a day for me to be on the water %^&*()_

The winds were gonna be crazy, they spoke about thunderstorms and someone even mentioned hail %^&*( The grass in front of the office was blowing like something you see in the movies.

I did a reading with my wind meter at home and only got a max of 24 kph. But that was with the houses blocking. In the IGA grocery parking lot I received a maximum reading of 32 kph. Went to the bridge over troubled water on the 117 and had steady winds at 20 kph with gusts to 30 kph. Just when I was thinking it was not so bad and perhaps sail-able for someone of my average joe skills, the wheel on the digital anemometer started singing and showed a max of 47 kph !!There were ONLY two(2) jet skis on the water - NO kayaks and NO canoes.

The Mirabel areoport showed 20 mph winds with over 30 mph gusts.

Yeah, butt look at Dorval readings !!! Almost 30 to 50 mph winds !!!

Here is a shot from Lac de deux Montagnes as well and that is from a protected camera where NW winds would show even stronger !!!

The local experts on quebecwind were talking about their 4.x sails and being over. Or standing on shore and drooling cuz they just did not have the equipment for the day. In my case, it is easy, I donut have the skills !!

Let's just say that day there was enough wind to knock out electricity for thousands of homes for over 18 hours. This is obviously nothing like a catastrophe - just "too much wind".

This is all fine n dandy, butt what do you do when you are in the middle of a race and the wind starts to kick axx?? Check this race where the guys are just flying and obviously way overpowered !! Sorry, no sound this time ...

And this is apparently what some of the experts say about sailing overpowered - quoted from the Auzzie forum:

Jimmy Diaz (Starboard / North)

"I don't want to share my secrets; I was out there on a 6.3, I made all the semi-finals and one final. There were guys falling down on their 5.7's, it's not because I was stronger, I did the maximum I could with my equipment, I tuned it to the best of my ability to keep it under control. I know there are guys that don't think about this, one day they will find out when I stop racing, maybe then I will share my secrets."

Cyril Moussilmani (Starboard / North)

"I just take a brand new sail put the mast in and I sail with it. My smallest sail is 5.7m North, I am part of the R+D teams for North and Starboard so I know the gear really well. I am used to sailing in high wind conditions so it is not a problem for me."

"There are two different styles, mine is to stand on the board very upright, and I open the leach to release the wind. Other people like to get down really low in the harness and use their weight. But I like to release the wind and get the flow going fast."

Julien Quentel (RRD / NeilPryde)

"My secret is my secret; I am from the Caribbean and that is the best secret. I was on my 5.5m in the strong winds, I like to have long harness lines and get my weight down really low to absorb all the power, and don't go full speed all the time so that you don't always crash.

Antoine Albeau (JP / NeilPryde)

"There is no secret; just tuning your equipment and being safe on the gear, make sure you are really comfortable. I put my harness lines in the correct location; I put my boom down a little so I can get my weight down really low. I make sure my board is always in the water and I and have maximum control."

How much wind is too much wind ??

Today on the first of June 2011, my buddy wanted to go out and try his brand new Fanatic Hawk 135. I can understand why he is anxious to get out. I did NOT even bring my stuff nor my car to work and Helmut was surprised. I warned him that winds were going to be beyond me and my average joe skills. He always says i do crazy stuff , take crazy risks and put myself in crazy situations. And i DO !!

However, today was NOT a day for me to be on the water %^&*()_

The winds were gonna be crazy, they spoke about thunderstorms and someone even mentioned hail %^&*( The grass in front of the office was blowing like something you see in the movies.

I did a reading with my wind meter at home and only got a max of 24 kph. But that was with the houses blocking. In the IGA grocery parking lot I received a maximum reading of 32 kph. Went to the bridge over troubled water on the 117 and had steady winds at 20 kph with gusts to 30 kph. Just when I was thinking it was not so bad and perhaps sail-able for someone of my average joe skills, the wheel on the digital anemometer started singing and showed a max of 47 kph !!There were ONLY two(2) jet skis on the water - NO kayaks and NO canoes.

The Mirabel areoport showed 20 mph winds with over 30 mph gusts.

Yeah, butt look at Dorval readings !!! Almost 30 to 50 mph winds !!!

Here is a shot from Lac de deux Montagnes as well and that is from a protected camera where NW winds would show even stronger !!!

The local experts on quebecwind were talking about their 4.x sails and being over. Or standing on shore and drooling cuz they just did not have the equipment for the day. In my case, it is easy, I donut have the skills !!

Let's just say that day there was enough wind to knock out electricity for thousands of homes for over 18 hours. This is obviously nothing like a catastrophe - just "too much wind".

This is all fine n dandy, butt what do you do when you are in the middle of a race and the wind starts to kick axx?? Check this race where the guys are just flying and obviously way overpowered !! Sorry, no sound this time ...

And this is apparently what some of the experts say about sailing overpowered - quoted from the Auzzie forum:

Jimmy Diaz (Starboard / North)

"I don't want to share my secrets; I was out there on a 6.3, I made all the semi-finals and one final. There were guys falling down on their 5.7's, it's not because I was stronger, I did the maximum I could with my equipment, I tuned it to the best of my ability to keep it under control. I know there are guys that don't think about this, one day they will find out when I stop racing, maybe then I will share my secrets."

Cyril Moussilmani (Starboard / North)

"I just take a brand new sail put the mast in and I sail with it. My smallest sail is 5.7m North, I am part of the R+D teams for North and Starboard so I know the gear really well. I am used to sailing in high wind conditions so it is not a problem for me."

"There are two different styles, mine is to stand on the board very upright, and I open the leach to release the wind. Other people like to get down really low in the harness and use their weight. But I like to release the wind and get the flow going fast."

Julien Quentel (RRD / NeilPryde)

"My secret is my secret; I am from the Caribbean and that is the best secret. I was on my 5.5m in the strong winds, I like to have long harness lines and get my weight down really low to absorb all the power, and don't go full speed all the time so that you don't always crash.

Antoine Albeau (JP / NeilPryde)

"There is no secret; just tuning your equipment and being safe on the gear, make sure you are really comfortable. I put my harness lines in the correct location; I put my boom down a little so I can get my weight down really low. I make sure my board is always in the water and I and have maximum control."